How to Collect Your Water Sample
Collecting your water sample yourself is easy to do. Below we will go through the steps on how to properly collect your water sample for analysis on the following parameters: Coliform Bacteria, Nitrate, Arsenic, and Lead.
General Guidelines:
Use only containers provided by the laboratory.
Be sure to include the date and time of when the water was collected, as well as the collection location, on the sample bottle label.
Note any unusual conditions or circumstances when collecting the water or if you had to deviate from the instructions at all.
Avoid contamination of the water when collecting.
Keep sample bottle closed until you fill it.
Do not touch the inside of the bottle or lid with your fingers
Sample Collection - Lead
Your first sample will need to be collected from the Kitchen Tap.
Take this sample right away in the morning or after work, since the water that will be tested needs to have sat in the pipes for at least 6 hours.
Collect 250mL of water, this will be the top of bottle.
Must be transported to the laboratory within 10 days of collecting the sample.
Sample Collection - Coliform Bacteria, Arsenic, Nitrate/Nitrite
The next three samples will be taken directly from the well without going through any filtration system. Examples would be an outside spigot (ensuring the hose is not attached) or a laundry sink. (If you want to test the efficiency of your filtration system, you would collect the samples from the reverse osmosis tap at your sink.)
Before collection follow the two steps below.
Flush (let water run) for 5-10 minutes.
Disinfect the port with alcohol pad, bleach, or a flame.
1 - Coliform Bacteria / E coli.
Collect 100mL sample, as marked by the fill line, leaving air space in the bottle to facilitate shaking. Please leave the white tablet in the container.
Must be transported to the laboratory on ice within 24 hours of collecting the sample. Place in the refrigerator until transporting to the lab.
2 - Nitrate/Nitrite
Collect 100mL sample, marked by the fill line.
Must be transported to the laboratory on ice within 24 hours of collecting the sample. Place in the refrigerator until transporting to the lab.
3 - Arsenic
Collect 100mL sample, marked by the fill line.
Must be transported to the laboratory within 10 days of collecting the sample.
When You Drop Off Your Sample
A laboratory employee MUST be present to receive your sample, our receiving hours are: Monday - Thursday: 9a.m. - 2:30p.m. Friday: 9a.m. - 1p.m.
Payment is due upon sample drop off. We accept cash, check or credit card. Contact us to inquire on pricing.